A proud part of Unity Health Toronto network.


Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of our donors, employees, and other stakeholders. The Foundation values the trust of all those with whom we interact. We recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that is shared with us.

The information provided to us is used to help us in our fundraising activities, to process and receipt donations, to respond to information requests from donors and prospective donors, and to communicate future events or promotions. Under no circumstances does the Foundation sell, barter, or lease its donor or prospective donor lists to other organizations.

Defining Personal Information

‘Personal Information’ is any information about an identifiable individual. This may include the individual’s name, telephone number, email address, opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual.

Privacy Practices

During the course of our various projects and activities, the Foundation frequently collects and uses personal information. At the time we collect information from the individual we will indicate why we need this information and request the individual’s consent for such collection and use. Anyone about whom we collect such information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that their consent will be obtained for any use of or other dealing with this information, except where mandated by law. The Foundation’s privacy practices are designed to achieve this.

Personal information collected by the Foundation is kept in confidence. The Foundation’s employees, agents, officers, and directors are authorized to access personal information only if they have a need to deal with it in order to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not shared more widely than is necessary to achieve those purposes. The Foundation also takes measures to ensure that the integrity of personal information is maintained and to prevent its being lost or destroyed. The information is kept up to date and accurate. Information that is no longer relevant will be disposed of appropriately.

In a very limited number of circumstances, the Foundation may disclose your name and address information to a third party service provider who helps us administer our relationship with you, in the normal course of business. For example, the Foundation may use a mailing house to produce and mail fundraising letters or newsletters. Our service providers are contractually bound to keep your information confidential, to safeguard your information, to limit their use of your information to the purpose of rendering their service, and to destroy or return your information when it is no longer required.

Website and Electronic Commerce

The Foundation collects donations through its website and all information received through the website is governed by this Privacy Policy.

Updates to the Privacy Policy

The Foundation shall review its privacy practices regularly and will revise this policy as required.

Contact Information

Questions, concerns, or complaints relating to the Foundation’s privacy policy and practices on the treatment of personal information should be forwarded to the Foundation Privacy Officer, who has been designated by the Foundation as responsible for its compliance:

Phone: 416-530-6704
Email: foundation@stjoestoronto.ca
Mail: St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation
30 The Queensway
Toronto, Ontario M6R 1B5.

If you wish to be removed from our fundraising lists at any time, please contact us.

If you wish to request a copy of your personal information stored in our records, please send a written request to our Privacy Officer. We will require acceptable proof of your identification before providing you with a response.

If you feel the personal information in our records is inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, please advise our Privacy Officer and the necessary corrections will be made.

Please allow two weeks to process your request.

Further information on privacy and your rights in regard to your personal information may be found on the websites of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at www.privcom.gc.ca and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario at www.ipc.on.ca.